Advocate to help households become stable

We advocate to ensure that all families have access to resources to meet their basic needs and support to become financially stable.

In order to build a community of stable households, we must advocate for policies that both lift up families experiencing poverty and provide support to keep families out of crisis. We work to advance policy changes that set families on the path to financial stability.

At United Way, we advocate for policies that will:
  • Prevent water and utility shutoffs.
  • Ensure everyone in our community has access to nutritious food.
  • Help workers keep more of what they earn through tax credits and other support programs.
  • Protect people from the “benefits cliff” so that they’re able to transition off of government benefit programs.
  • Protect people from eviction and foreclosure.
  • Expand access to quality public transit.
  • Support workforce and job training programs that help people earn a living wage.

Advocate with us!

Take action on these important issues today.

Help us fight the water affordability crisis: Support policy that will end water shutoffs

Across Michigan, many households are grappling with rising water rates that have become increasingly unaffordable. When people cannot afford to…

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Fight against hunger: Urge Congress to expand SNAP in the Farm Bill

More than 41 million people across the U.S. rely on food assistance programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program…

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End Housing Discrimination and Build Stronger Communities

Despite the vast need for affordable housing in Michigan, many families are turned away by landlords or lenders solely because…

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Thriving children

We advocate for policies that help all children learn, grown and succeed.


United we vote

We advocate for policies that protect the right to vote and educate voters.