Why I Run United: Lynette McBride Hyde, Team Bronco

Published on septiembre 12, 2024 in

Eleven years ago, I found myself stuck on the couch, yearning for change. I was desperate to lose weight, but nothing seemed to stick. Flipping through a Runner’s World magazine, I stumbled upon a simple suggestion: run outside for as long as you can, then walk back. It was the perfect starting point for a beginner like me. That’s how I completed my first run – a wobbly, breathless journey that felt like a monumental achievement.

Now, running is my happy place. It’s where I find euphoria, a sense of pure joy that transcends physical discomfort. Even when my legs scream in protest, running clears my head and helps me find clarity. It’s a time for reflection, a space where I can sort through life’s complexities and make decisions with a newfound sense of peace.

After running 12 marathons, I have one more left! My goal is to complete all six world major marathons. I’ve done five already; taking runcations to London, Tokyo, Berlin, Chicago and where I’m from, New York. I run using the Galloway Method, where I run and walk at intervals. I like to say, I have a “sexy pace”— not too fast and not last.

Through marathons, I’ve raised over $20,000 for cancer charities. I have lost many loved ones to cancer and know many cancer survivors. Recently, I lost a very close friend to pancreatic cancer, and it was heartbreaking.

I believe in giving back to the community because I recognize the blessings in my own life. I want to ensure others have the same opportunities to thrive. It’s important to stay grounded and aware of the needs around me, which is why organizations like the United Way are so vital. They bridge the gap, connecting resources with those who need them most.

I heard about Run United when a colleague brought it to my attention. My team knows I love to run and thought this would be a fun activity for us all to try. Even though I was injured, I knew I had to take part. When I found out we could do our miles over four weeks, it was perfect. Since I’m injured, I’ve been doing more walking and indoor cycling.

Run United was also an opportunity to get moving with my colleagues. Team Bronco has been meeting virtually each week to offer encouragement, motivation and have contests. We have 10 people from our CX team participating, and it’s awesome to see so many colleagues join in on this challenge. A couple of us have been walking around the building during lunch for our steps.

While beating Team Jeep has been a huge motivation for me, I’m also married to a retired teacher, and I have many friends who are educators. It’s bad enough that teachers are underpaid, but what’s worse is that many use their own funds to buy supplies for their students.

Supplies can make or break a child’s future, and the school supply list just keeps getting longer and longer. Students do persevere, but they shouldn’t have to worry about having what they need while trying to thrive.

I am very proud that me and my colleagues can support a wonderful organization like the United Way so they can continue doing these wonderful things for teachers and students. We don’t want unmet needs to dim a kid’s light!

United Way for Southeastern Michigan’s fifth annual Run United Virtual Marathon will support students in our region, helping them take on the school year with school supplies, books, and access to out-of-school time programming. Participants are challenged to log 26.4 miles from August 12 to September 13. Through One Cause, friends, family and teammates can view their progress and virtually cheer them on.