Published on octubre 19, 2022 in Advocacy
Working the polls every election is a tradition for my family – it’s what we do. I’ve been a poll worker in the city since 1978. Even my children have gotten involved.
The importance of voting was instilled in us. My parents made sure we understood how many people gave their lives for our right to vote and got us involved to protect the process.
Voting is the only way to make sure your voice is heard. You want to get people into office who think as close as possible to the way you think so that you know your interests are being represented.
Our youth will continue to be at a disadvantage as long as they stay home on election day. Some politicians are depending on you staying home and they make it as hard as possible for you to vote. There are intentional impediments. If your vote didn’t matter, they wouldn’t be trying to stop you from voting.
If you don’t have thousands of dollars to fill politician’s coffers, it’s even more important to make sure you’re voting in every election. When you have communities of thousands of engaged voters the people in power listen, they start paying attention.
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