Community Stories: DeAndrea Rogers, United Way Manager, Parent & Family Engagement

Published on September 28, 2022 in

Dee Dee Rogers
Dee Dee and kids
Dee Dee kids
Dee Dee and kids- dressy

I didn’t learn about ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) households by reading a report. I was raised by ALICE in Kansas City – long before ALICE had a catchy acronym, and I later became ALICE myself when I packed up my three young children and moved to Detroit.

I worked two jobs while going to school full-time and raising my kids as a single mom. My story is the same as so many others. I made too much money to qualify for food stamps or public assistance, but I didn’t make enough to feed my kids and make ends meet. I ended up at food drives and food banks. I was weary and exhausted but in that, I discovered the secret sauce – that access to the right resources, support systems and mentors could change the entire trajectory of a life – and I set about being that for my family and others.

It’s the ah-hah moments that continue to inspire me today as I’m working with students, parents and families. When I can help other parents see beyond their current circumstances and start to flourish, that’s when I know I’m doing the work I’m called to do.

Michigan has been home for 10 years now. Although I was terrified at first, I’ve come to see that moving here was the best blessing and opportunity that I’ve ever had. I don’t think I ever would have grown anywhere else the way that I’ve grown and learned here. And anyone who knows me knows that I do what I do with a smile. I’m an entertainer at heart, so I’m always looking to bring light and joy wherever I go. My passion is to do or say something to make someone feel good or provide a little glimmer of hope, that I believe is my purpose.

DeAndrea Rogers is Manager, Parent & Family Engagement for United Way for Southeastern Michigan.

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