Fight against hunger: Urge Congress to expand SNAP in the Farm Bill

Published on August 21, 2024 in

More than 41 million people across the U.S. rely on food assistance programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to put food on the table and meet their basic needs. These programs are funded through the Farm Bill, and the House of Representatives has passed a version that would cut essential food assistance programs by 30% over the next 10 years – the largest cut in over 30 years. They’ve also proposed measures to privatize the administration of these programs, which has hurt SNAP participants in the past, leading to more delays and increased costs.

Every day, 7.3 million children across the country face hunger, showing that these programs do not currently have enough resources to support all families in need. That’s why we need to increase funding for effective anti-hunger programs, rather than cut them. Please join us in urging Congress to ensure that no household in our community will be forced to go hungry by fully funding food programs in the Farm Bill.

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