Strengthening the Sector

Connecting People and Systems to Create Seamless, Effective Care

Our Vision

We envision a sector wherein no matter which door a person walks through, phone number they dial or database they search, they are quickly connected to resources that meet their needs. Our community has the knowledge and the ability to make this happen — if we work together.

What is CIE?

A Community Information Exchange (CIE) is a network of partners in the health and social services sectors who partner to better connect people with services. CIEs use infrastructure that ensures partners can connect, improving our response time in connecting people to services and increasing our understanding of community needs, resources and outcomes. For more information on the first CIE developed by 2-1-1 San Diego, visit

Our Opportunity: Connect4Care, A Southeastern Michigan CIE

The CIE is based on a closed-loop referral system. Together, we can connect agencies to share information that makes it easier for people to find services and for our community to advocate for a more equitable system of care. Backed by the strength of 2-1-1, Connect4Care provides an infrastructure to help organize and coordinate information and services with health and social services partners to provide more holistic, person-centered, data-driven care to the community. Learn more about how this process works.

How Connect4Care Impacts Our Community



Connect4Care™ creates seamless connections to resources without community members sharing their needs or situations multiple times.


Connect4Care™ results in better awareness of resources within the community and less duplication of efforts through streamlined referrals and information sharing.


Connect4Care™ enables partners to better respond to trends and anticipate changes in community needs. This results in more informed and equitable allocation of resources and policy solutions that strengthen the sector.

Connect4Care Partners: Health & Social Services

Connect4Care network partners are health and social services agencies that have agreed to share new levels of information with each other to strengthen coordination of services and care for our community. Health and social services agencies provide supportive services to people. Services include food resources, child care, employment, transportation and housing assistance.

CIE 101

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Privacy and technology

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Environmental scan

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Interview results

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Additional thanks to Hope Starts Here, Matrix Human Services, the Detroit Health Department, childcare providers in Wayne County, Uber and Lyft, Wayne Metro, the Accounting Aid Society and Michigan 2-1-1.

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