United Way for Southeastern Michigan is powered by partners.

United Way for Southeastern Michigan is powered by partners. We regularly provide funding to human service organizations that do make an impact. Learn more about the work we’ve helped move forward on our success stories page.

We have hundreds of partnerships, and they’re more than a pass-through. We work side-by-side with partners to improve and expand programming and provide resources and expertise. By working together, we Light The Way to a better future in Southeastern Michigan.

We regularly post requests for proposals and invite organizations to apply where they see fit. Specific details vary on a case-by-case basis. Visit our active opportunities page to learn more. If you’re not sure where your idea fits in or if you want more information, contact PartnerNetworks@UnitedWaySEM.org.

Active funding opportunities

Find all of our current and past grant opportunities here.
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Partner Success Stories

Read about the impact our partners have made in the community with assistance from United Way.
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Partner toolkits and resources

Find everything from monthly newsletters to useful tools to help you make the most of your efforts.
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Partner Network

Learn more about all of our partners.
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Share Your Story

Does your organization have a success story to share? Fill out this form and we’ll be in touch!
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