Thousands of dollars in cash benefits are available when you file your taxes. Even if you do not normally file taxes, you may qualify! Our partners offer expert tax preparation assistance at no cost to you.
If your total income is less than $67,000 you likely have one or more cash benefits waiting and tax prep services are at no cost to you. Our tax experts can help you find out what you qualify for.
Exact details vary based on the specific tax credit, your tax filing status and the number of people in your household. Some, but not all, tax credits require that you or your children have a Social Security Number.
Here are some examples of situations that qualify for cash payments:
• You earned at least some money from work in 2023.
• You are a parent, guardian or caregiver of a child who lives with you at least half of the year, and you earned at least $2,500 from work in 2023.
• You care for a child or adult who is disabled.
• You paid money in 2023 for rent, property taxes or for gas/electric to heat your home.
If your total income is more than $64,000, you may qualify for valuable tax credits. However, you do not qualify for a no-cost tax preparation appointment.
Our ninth annual Women of Influence Summit, presented by Walker-Miller Energy Services, is set for Friday, March 14, at MotorCity Casino. Our keynote speaker is former WNBA President Donna Orender, who spent 17 years working for the PGA Tour and is the bestselling author of “Wowsdom! The Girl’s Guide to the Positive and the Possible.”
Join us for breakfast, our Women-Owned Business Market and a morning full of inspiration!