The Racial Equity Fund will provide financial support and technical assistance to BIPOC-led organizations through operational unrestricted grants. The fund is designed to empower BIPOC-led organizations to provide programs and projects that work toward eliminating racial disparities in pursuit of more equitable and just communities across Southeastern Michigan.
Created by a diverse and inclusive workgroup of community members over the course of two months in the Summer of 2021, this fund seeks to prioritize the lived experience of our communities. The workgroup’s scope was informed by the Centering Community Voice Blueprint.
The fund’s objective is to empower Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) and people most harmed by systemic oppression. Our efforts seek to ensure all people experience authentic inclusion and have equitable access to resources and opportunities to thrive and reach their full potential.
This winter, $200,000 is available in grants ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 directly for organizations with BIPOC executive leadership. Over the last two years, 49 organizations were awarded.
Fund Details and Eligibility
- Flexible, unrestricted and general operating grant amounts range between $10,000 and $50,000.
- Organizations must have BIPOC executive leadership.
- BIPOC Executive Leadership is defined as: United Way for Southeastern Michigan takes a comprehensive approach to assess the identities of who holds decision-making power when determining whether an organization or group is BIPOC-led. This means that we not only collect information on the identities of the organization leader, but also assess: 1. the extent to which key staff, who hold decision-making power, identify as BIPOC, and 2. the extent to which the board of directors/advisory council, who also hold decision-making power, identify as BIPOC. If you have questions as to how this definition might apply to your organization, please reach out to Ray Stoeser at
- Organizations should propose programming for funding that responds to and mitigates the effects of racial inequities and/or builds power and infrastructure in communities of color across Washtenaw County.
- Organizations must be a 501(c)3 nonprofit. An organization must be in good standing with the State of Michigan and the Internal Revenue Service and will be required to upload a copy of their IRS designation letter, 990 form, W-9, and financial statements. For organizations that are not 501(c)3, they may apply via a fiduciary if applicable.
- The fund seeks to support organizations often excluded from the traditional funding ecosystem. To increase the diversity of organizations and programs supported, organizations that are currently funded by United Way for Southeastern Michigan, United Way of Washtenaw County, and/or a previous Racial Equity Fund recipient are not eligible to apply.