Edward Allotta
Brilliant Detroit
“Ed delivered Pandemic food boxes to hundreds of familes and, as a retired accountant, has helped develop programs to assist numerous familes with their finances.”
– Chelsea Owens

Kavya Ambati
HAVEN, Novi High School
“Kavya is truly a leader in her community and inspires her peers to learn more about healthy relationships, consent and ways to support all survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault.”
– Shelby Nardone

Sima Ballinger
Brilliant Detroit
“Sima has contributed extensively to Brilliant Detroit’s library of virtual read-a-loud videos that we created to give families greater access to books during COVID-19.”
– Aryeh Perlman

Ava Bouna
Chaldean American Ladies of Charity, United Community Family Services
“Ava is a breath of fresh air through her commitment and passion to serve those in need by providing UCFS with a helping hand.”
– Arjan Kallou

Rekeana Brown-Russell
Destined For Greatness Mentoring Initiative, Carlton Elementary/Middle School, Denby High School
“Rekeana is leading the legacy of volunteerism with her girls who also volunteer with her often.”
– Shadora L. Ford

Clare Carlisle
Hard Court Hitters CTA, Greater Mt. Baptist Church, Charity Lutheran Church, Gratiot/ 7 Mile Community Council, Conner Creek Cancer Action Council, among others
“Clare works with children and families to help everyone reach their desired dreams and goals.”
– Christian Carlisle

Phyllis Edwards
Unity in Our Community Timebank, National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Self Development of People, Community Development Advocates of Detroit, Detroit Area on Aging Advisory Committee, among others
“A perpetual volunteer, giver, do-er, and leader, Phyllis works tirelessly and cheerfully on behalf of all Detroiters, with a focus on lifting up older adults.”
– Madhavi Reddy

Donald Ferguson
100 Black Men of Greater Detroit
“Don goes above and beyond the call of duty to mentor and support young men.”
– Bill Luse

Shadora Ford
Destined for Greatness Mentoring Initiative
“Shadora is the founder of Destined for Greatness Mentoring Initiative, which has mentored thousands of girls and young women and provided resources to thousands of families. Through tens of thousands of hours of service, Shadora has made an immeasurable mark on her community.”
– Hannah Haley

Margy Fox
Area Agency on Aging 1-B
“Goes above and beyond to support caregivers of seniors in our community.”
– Julie Lowenthal

Mikki Godfrey
Zion Hope MBC, New Way Christian Center, Mayflower Church, among others
“Mikki always lends a hand to anyone who needs it. These good deeds have included helping at food pantries, distributing winter gear each year and helping a single mother obtain her GED.”
– LaSonda Williams

Greg Harris
Pope Francis Center
“Greg goes above and beyond to care for Pope Francis Center guests and meet them with love and dignity. He exemplifies what it means to be a good neighbor.”
– JD Lesada

Jeffrey Hawkins
Leader Dogs for the Blind
“Jeff is always willing to step up and help where needed.”
– Melissa Pletcher

Cynthia Hicks
Zaman International
“Enthusiastic about her work at Zaman and really believes in our mission to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty for women and their children.”
– Jess Dailey

Sharon R. Hopson
Destined for Greatness Mentoring Initiative, Perfecting Church Food Pantry, and Detroit Public Schools Community District
“Sharon exemplifies the true meaning of volunteerism. She takes pride in making sure Detroiters have all the essentials they need to thrive.”
– Shadora L. Ford

John Howland
Area Agency on Aging 1-B
“As a Medicare Medicaid Assistance Program volunteer, John has helped hundreds of community members navigate confusing systems and save thousands of dollars related to their healthcare.”
– Shari Smith

Nancy Kohl
Elli’s House
“Time after time, Nancy has gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve Elli’s House clients with the highest quality of care.”
– Catie Bargerstock

Denise Leonard
Gleaners Community Food Bank, American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, Cass Community Social Services, among others
“Always thinking of how to help support the local charities with a smile and positive attitude.”
– Holly Windom

Deb Macon
United Way for Southeastern Michigan
“As the chairperson of United Way’s Volunteer Engagement Committee, Deb continues a lifetime of service by encouraging and facilitating volunteerism across our region.”
– Angela Beckman & Stephanie Ralls

Sandi Matz
National Council of Jewish Women, Jewish Book Fair, Bookstock, JCRC/AJC, Adat Shalom Synagogue
“She truly believes in the importance of giving back to others.”
– Margo Stocker

Bruce Pierce
United Way for Southeastern Michigan, SCORE
“Bruce is always willing to put in the hard work for any project and his persistence and thoughtfulness are appreciated by everyone around him.”
– Angela Beckman & Courtney Ochalek

Antoinette Rowe-Ellis
Metropolitan Baptist Church Food Pantry
“As a volunteer, Antoinette leads a food pantry that has served tens of thousands of pounds of food to local families over 15 years, including through the height of the Pandemic.”
– Holly Windom

Hassan Saleh
“Being acutely aware of the impact that mentors make in children’s lives Hassan serves as a mentor in his community, including as a youth soccer coach who supports his players on and off the field.”
– Mohamed Alrayyashi

Olivia Shakoor
Neighborhood Service Organization, Crary – St. Mary Community Council, Detroit Police Department, and Detroit Public Schools Community District
“Olivia has positively and enthusiastically contributed to the community she loves and advocates for throughout her decades of service.”
– Kellee Robinson

Harrison Shelby
Detroit Blight Busters, Detroit Phoenix Center, Brilliant Detroit and others
“Harrison ‘Mr. Community’ Shelby is an individual that is committed to working for social justice and improving the quality of life for all. He is a passionate advocate for youth and young adults, believing strongly in the power of mentoring, volunteerism, and service.”
– Aljeliki Williams

David Shevrin
United Way for Southeastern Michigan
“Dave’s decades of experience in helping non-profit organizations help others have undoubtedly touched thousands of lives”
– Angela Beckman & Courtney Ochalek

Brad Simmons
United Way for Southeastern Michigan
“Brad’s dedication to serving others with humility is boundless”
– Angela Beckman & Courtney Ochalek

Khalilah Spencer
Cody High School, United Way for Southeastern Michigan
“Khalilah has shown strong leadership and commitment to exposing Cody High School students to the legal profession and potential career options in the legal sector.”
– Alexandria Haynes

Dhaya Sridharan
HAVEN, Novi High School
“Truly an advocate deserving of recognition,” Dhaya’s advocacy work has made an impact on hundreds and helped spread information regarding HAVEN’s important work.
– Shelby Nardone

Emily Staugaitis
Hamtramck Public School District, Detroit Public Schools Community District, Friends of the Rouge, among others
“Emily has exhibited a dedication to ensuring her neighbors have what they need to survive and thrive.”
– Latrina R Conaway

Allyson Waldman
United Way for Southeastern Michigan
“Allyson leads by example and motivates others to action. She inspires all around her with her enthusiasm and positivity, and is always the first to raise her hand for any need”
– Courtney Ochalek

Nicole Watts
HAVEN, Novi High School
“Without Nicole’s leadership, passion and dedication the HAVEN Youth Advisory Board would not have been nearly as successful as it has been.”
– Shelby Nardone

Pam Weinstein
Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation, among others
“Pam is dedicated to improving the lives of her neighbors in the Grandmont Rosedale Neighborhood and amplifying the community’s voice.”
– Chelsea Salame

Holly Windom
American Heart Association, Asian Pacific American Chamber of Commerce, Gleaners Community Food Bank, The Parade Company
“Always supportive and willing to volunteer whenever a need exists.”
– Deborah Hardison Hill