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  • What issues are you passionate about?

  • Where are you interested in getting involved?

    End Housing Discrimination and Build Stronger Communities
    End Housing Discrimination and Build Stronger Communities

    Tell Legislators To Make “Healthy School Meals for All” Permanent!
    Tell Legislators To Make “Healthy School Meals for All” Permanent!

    Lift Hundreds of Thousands of Children Out of Poverty – Expand the Child Tax Credit Today
    Lift Hundreds of Thousands of Children Out of Poverty – Expand the Child Tax Credit Today

    Expand the Michigan Energy Assistance Program
    Expand the Michigan Energy Assistance Program

    Fight The Water Affordability Crisis: Support policy that will end water shutoffs
    Fight The Water Affordability Crisis: Support policy that will end water shutoffs

    South Campus Distribution Center Packing Shifts
    South Campus Distribution Center Packing Shifts

    21405 Trolley Industrial Dr Taylor, MI 48180

    Help process donated and purchased food to serve our neighbors in need. Volunteer tasks include packing food, sorting produce, working in the Clean Room, and more! Up to 40 volunteers needed per shift.

    Volunteer Tax Preparer
    Volunteer Tax Preparer

    As a volunteer tax preparer, you can ensure that our clients get the best return on their taxes. No need to be an accountant. We arm you with tax law training and on-site expert support so that you can confidently complete accurate returns.

    Prepare Meals for Residents with Dinner Meal Team
    Prepare Meals for Residents with Dinner Meal Team

    PFC Bridge Housing Campus 2915 W. Hancock Detroit

    Volunteer Meal Teams assist in the preparation of meals. Meal Teams will also serve meals to residents, and assist with clean-up.

    End Housing Discrimination
    End Housing Discrimination

    Join us in urging our legislators to pass legislation prohibiting Source of Income discrimination today!

    Your Impact

    Suzanne Shank
    It was just ingrained in me that good people give back.

    Suzanne Shank, president and CEO of Siebert Williams Shank & Co., LLC

    Read More

    of Building Foundations participants saw their grades, academic performance and attendance improve.

    of Building Foundations participants did not have an out-of-home placement or court contact during their time in the program