2024 Equity Challenge Day 6: Friday Weekly Self Check-In, Review and Community Action Day

▶ LISTEN TO DAY 6 – 5:32

Welcome to your first weekly self check-in of the 2024 21-Day Equity Challenge. Over the next three Fridays, we will pause to make space for you to reflect on your Equity Journey so far and offer an opportunity to engage in our Community Action Friday project.

It’s important to check in with yourself on what you’re both learning and un-learning, what topics you may want to revisit, and what topics you want to take more action on (now/and or after the challenge). We encourage you to use today to review the challenge materials so far.

The topics from our first week were:

Day 1: Welcome to the Fourth Annual 21-Day Equity Challenge

Day 2: Early Childhood Education is Crucial in Closing Equity Gaps

Day 3: Your Right to Vote: How it Came to Be and How to Exercise It

Day 4: Navigating Black Maternal Health

Day 5: Institutions Acting with Trustworthiness

As you review the past challenge days, we encourage you to keep a running note or journal on your reflections and ideas for action.



  • Start a conversation with someone in your community on a topic that resonated with you or challenged you this week.


  • Fill out our 2024 21-Day Equity Challenge Pre-Survey! This survey helps us enrich content and Equity offerings.


  • Each Friday of the Challenge we will host a Community Action Friday project where you can get involved in taking your learning into community and act with other challenge participants. Today, we launch our challenge long Action Project, a book drive to fill United Way’s Little Free Libraries. This initiative helps increase free access to reading materials in our community. Anyone can participate in this virtual opportunity (even if you’re outside of Michigan). Follow this link for more information including which books to buy and where to send them. The project will run through June 14.


  • Join us for our in-person Community Action Friday projects on May 31 and June 7! ! Learn more and sign-up for a project on our Volunteer Portal.

Reflect And Share

  1. Share your reflections from week one of the challenge on our virtual Word Cloud.


Start the conversation. Send the tweet. Share your story. Make the Facebook post. Sharing what you learn and experience with your family, friends, and co-workers is the first step toward allyship.

Join thousands in conversation by using hashtag #RiseToTheChallenge.