Help flood victims in Southwest Detroit
More than 400 households in Southwest Detroit have recently been impacted by flooding. Volunteers are needed to help perform wellness visits, organize donations and assemble and deliver care packages.

From packing and delivering backpacks for students to helping Southeastern Michigan families file taxes and much more, there are so many easy and rewarding ways to give back to your community. In-person, virtual and remote opportunities are available for each season. You can make a tremendous impact on families in our region by donating your time, and our volunteer portal makes it easy to find the opportunity that’s a perfect fit for you.
volunteers recognized on our 2024 Volunteer Honor Roll.
mini-grants distributed to nonprofit and community organizations to fund volunteer project supplies in conjunction with the 2024 Global Volunteer Month of Service.
volunteers in 2023-24
volunteer hours in 2023-24
books distributed to K-12 students
More than 400 households in Southwest Detroit have recently been impacted by flooding. Volunteers are needed to help perform wellness visits, organize donations and assemble and deliver care packages.